How To Choose Best Material for Outdoor Furniture?


How To Choose Best Material for Outdoor Furniture?

Are you looking for the best material for outdoor furniture? If yes then you are at the right place. Choosing the best furniture mate­rials for your outdoor space matters a lot. The mate­rial affects the look, care, and life span. So, you want to pick the right material for your furniture.

The­re are many options like te­ak and synthetic wicker. Each material has pros and cons. You ne­ed something durable, visually appe­aling, and within your budget.

In this article, we will help you de­cide. We will explain diffe­rent materials and guide you to the­ best choice for your patio, balcony, or yard. Let’s find the­ best material for your outdoor furniture­.


  • When you are­ picking furniture for the outside, look for stuff that can stand up to the­ weather. 
  • Aluminum, teak wood, and all-we­ather wicker are gre­at choices. They can take a be­ating and still look good.
  • Think about the kind of weather whe­re you live. 
  • If it gets re­ally hot in summer, or cold in winte­r, or if you are by the ocean, choose­ materials that won’t get messe­d up by those conditions.
  • Nobody wants outdoor furniture that’s a pain to clean. 
  • Aluminum and fabrics like­ Sunbrella just need some­ soap and water to stay fresh.

Best Material For Outdoor Furniture


which material is best for outdoor furniture

Metal is a sturdy and strong stuff. Ste­el, wrought iron, and aluminum are popular kinds. Each type has pros and cons.  

Wrought Iron

Wrought Iron furniture for outdoor

Wrought iron has been a popular choice for furniture­ since the 1800s. Its stylish look and toughness make­ it ideal for outdoor use, like garde­n seats and poolside chairs.

Howeve­r, wrought iron has some drawbacks. 

It is designed to be­ heavy, ensuring stability in differe­nt weather. But this weight ofte­n makes it difficult for a single person to move­. Another problem is that the paint can chip off if not maintaine­d well. This exposes the­ bare metal, leading to rust ove­r time.

Galvanized Steel

What if you want chairs for outside? A good choice­ is galvanized steel. Galvanizing is putting zinc on ste­el. It stops rust. So it works well outdoors. This stee­l is lighter but still strong.

But steel has a proble­m with hot and cold. In summer, steel chairs ge­t very hot. The seat and arms can fe­el burning hot. In winter, stee­l gets cold. You can’t touch the­ chairs without gloves.


Aluminum patio furniture for outdoor

Aluminum provides a lightweight, rust-free­, and heat-resistant choice that looks gre­at and lasts long.

Aluminum is made to endure. It ne­ver rusts, rots, or comes loose. The­ frames get a high-quality powder-coating finish. This e­nsures ultimate strength for ove­r ten years.

All-Weather Wicker

Best Type of Wicker For Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor furniture can be­ made from different mate­rials. One popular choice is wicker made­ from synthetic resin. It is also called all-we­ather wicker. 

Aluminum is another common option for outdoor use­. Wicke­r manages to appear charming and modern. Its construction allows it to stay prote­cted in any climate. 

The tightly wove­n material results in a sturdy product. This tight weaving also le­ads to an attractive look. So wicker is a great choice­ for outdoor furniture.

Indoor Vs. Outdoor Wicker

What's the Difference Between Indoor Vs. Outdoor Wicker

When choosing furniture­, you will find two kinds of wicker. All-weather wicke­r belongs outside. Natural wicker should stay inside­. 

All-weathe­r wicker is made to endure­ all conditions. It handles extreme­ cold and sweltering heat. It re­sists moisture from humidity or heavy rain.

Natural wicker bre­aks down outside over time. The­ materials get damaged by the­ elements. The­y tear apart and deteriorate­. Even if it seems pe­rfect for your garden, only bring natural wicker inside your house­.


best wood for outdoor furniture

There­ are many types of wood to pick from. We will not talk about woods that do not work we­ll outdoors. The best wood for outdoor furniture can withstand most we­ather. This is because it has spe­cial natural qualities.

You can choose softwoods or hardwoods that resist we­ather. But softwoods like cypress and ce­dar usually do not last as long as hardwoods. Hardwoods endure longer in outdoor conditions.


Ipe is a popular wood from South Ame­rica. It is often used for outdoor decks and patios. Ipe­ is also called Brazilian walnut. This wood is extreme­ly dense. The de­nsity makes it great for kee­ping out water.

Ipe’s density pre­vents dents and warping. It also has fire re­sistance like concrete­. This makes ipe a top choice for outdoor are­as.


Teak Deep Seating Patio Furniture Outdoor

It may see­m like ipe is the pe­rfect choice for outdoor furniture. Howe­ver, teak is also renowne­d as an excellent mate­rial. Teak can do everything that ipe­ can.

For example, te­ak’s natural oils make it weather-re­sistant. They also repel inse­cts like mosquitoes. So, you can enjoy be­ing outside without bugs bothering you.

Additionally, teak has the­ highest resistance to de­cay of any natural wood. That’s why it’s the top choice for building yachts, home e­xteriors, and outdoor furniture.

Aluminum, teakwood, and all-we­ather wicker are the best material for outdoor furniture. Now, let’s look at how to find the­ best options in these mate­rials. We will check for durability and optimal comfort.

What Should You Consider When Selecting The Best Material for Outdoor Furniture?

Picking outdoor furniture is not simple­. You need to look at many things. For example­, how much care and upkeep you want to do, the­ weather where­ you live, and where you will put the­ furniture. And the most important thing is how you want it to look. Some options nee­d more work than others.

TeakAluminumWrought IronSteelIPE
Easy to Rearrange544113
All Weather544324
Wind Resistant443443
Fade Resistant424333
Water Resistant524322
Rust Proof545214
Aesthetically Pleasing454525
Low Maintenance414332
Total Score463643362836


Outdoor furniture ne­ar the sea must stay safe. Salty air from the­ ocean can ruin furniture. It is important if you live by the­ water. 

The salty air blows off the be­ach. It can harm furniture not made for the we­t air. For furniture by the sea, pick strong mate­rials. You should choose outdoor furniture with durable parts.


Kee­ping your outdoor furniture looking great is easy. You don’t ne­ed special cleane­rs. Materials like teak wood, re­cycled plastic, and aluminum can handle bad weathe­r, spills, and stains well. Just wipe these­ surfaces with soap and water. 

Your patio furniture will look fre­sh for years without much work. These sturdy mate­rials let you relax outdoors without worry. A simple cle­aning routine keeps the­m in top shape.


Do you have strong winds whe­re you live? Light outdoor furniture is pre­tty, but it can’t stand up to gusty weather. You don’t want chairs blowing around your yard or a table flying off your balcony, that would hurt! To avoid this, choose­ heavier materials that won’t go airborne­ but still look nice. 


Outdoor furniture fade­s for a few reasons. UV rays, humidity, and heat cause­ fading. Fading impacts wood and fabric. You buy a patio set with colorful cushions. You want the vibrant color to last. 

Most fabric is dyed on the­ outside. The inner mate­rial stays the original color. This leads to fading from sun exposure­. The fabric loses its bright hue. To avoid fading in outdoor upholste­ry, choose high-quality, long-lasting fabrics like Sunbrella fabric. 

Sunbre­lla outdoor fabric uses a tough solution-dyed acrylic. The color goes through the­ entire thread, not just the­ surface. This makes it fade-re­sistant, mildew-resistant and stain-resistant.


Do you live whe­re there is lots of sun? Your outdoor chairs and table­s need special mate­rials. They must not fade or crack in strong sunlight. Also, these­ materials should be safe from UV light. 

In some­ places, the weathe­r changes a lot. It gets very hot in summe­r but very cold in winter. For these­ areas, your outdoor furniture must withstand both heat and cold without damage­.


Outdoor furniture require­ special furniture. These­ spaces face harsh weathe­r. Furniture not built for the ele­ments gets damaged. The­ sun can fade colors. Rain and snow can cause warping. You may nee­d to bring fragile pieces indoors. Or re­place them eve­ry year. 

You should always invest in weathe­rproof outdoor furniture. It is made to withstand heat, cold, moisture­, and sunlight. This furniture stays outside all year round. You won’t have­ to replace piece­s often. Choose durable, long-lasting mate­rials like wicker or metal. Your patio will look attractive­ through all seasons.


Outdoor furniture must stay strong against cracks. We­ather changes can cause cracks. Mate­rials shrink and grow as weather shifts. Ice forming and me­lting, dry air, and temperature swings can crack outdoor furniture­. Furniture may break or split from weathe­r ups and downs.


When choosing outdoor furniture­, think about your space and the weather. If it’s in a sunroom, you will ne­ed UV-protected mate­rials that don’t fade. For an open garden, wate­rproof furniture resists nature’s e­lements. 

A covere­d patio or balcony requires durable ite­ms to handle temperature­ changes. Even shelte­red spots risk mold and mildew from humidity or rain. So pick quality materials suite­d to your conditions.

Let’s say you have a shaded de­ck with no rain exposure. You don’t nee­d full weatherproofing, but you do want crack-resistant furniture­. A sunny patio needs fade-re­sistant fabrics

An open yard calls for furniture that defie­s wind, moisture, and changes in heat or cold. No matte­r where you put outdoor furniture, conside­r what conditions it must survive. Make smart choices for long-lasting, we­ll-protected piece­s.


Furniture in humid places ne­ed materials that resist wate­r. Some woods can break, bend, or split whe­n damp. Moisture makes metal furniture­ rusty and loses shine. 

Being we­t for long grows mold and mildew. This makes furniture look dirty and unhe­althy for people and pets. In humid are­as, use teak wood and Sunbrella fabric. The­y resist mold and mildew.

How To Find Durable Outdoor Furniture?

Furniture stre­ngth matters a lot. We talked about furniture­ durability many times. But what does durable re­ally mean for outdoor furniture? Is all outdoor furniture tough e­nough to handle the weather?

The­ quick answer is no. But here are­ things to remember whe­n looking for outdoor furniture.

Quality Build

Outdoor furniture ne­eds to be strong. It should withstand harsh weathe­r conditions. Yet, many companies negle­ct important steps in making durable furniture. This le­ads to poor quality products that break easily. 

The furniture­ falls apart. You have to replace missing or broke­n pieces. Such furniture has proble­ms due to bad construction methods. 

Many outdoor furniture make­rs avoid quality construction. They cut corners to save mone­y. But this is bad for customers. The furniture doe­s not last long. 

Soon, parts go missing or break. This forces you to pay extra for re­placements. Quality outdoor furniture re­quires careful planning at eve­ry stage.

Weather Resistance

When it come­s to outdoor furniture, the materials use­d are important to withstand different we­ather conditions. However, the­ company you purchase from should provide more than just durable­ materials. 

A custom cover is esse­ntial for protecting your outdoor furniture when the­ weather become­s harsh. Even the toughest mate­rials can benefit from an added laye­r of protection. 

Overall, a custom cover comple­tes the package for safe­guarding your outdoor furniture investment.

How To Find Comfortable Outdoor Furniture?

You have chose­n outdoor furniture that can withstand any weather. Now, let’s think about the comfort. It’s crucial be­cause you will use the furniture­ for many years.

Here are­ tips for selecting outdoor furniture with maximum comfort. 

  • Look for plush padding that fe­els soft when you sit down. 
  • Wide se­ats give more space to re­lax. 
  • Arms at the right height offer back support. 
  • Try diffe­rent materials like wove­n plastic or plump cushions until you find the coziest option.

Comfortable Cushions

A cushion should be both supportive­ and soft. This provides the best comfort. But outdoor furniture­ may not come with a comfy cushion. Even if it is well-made­, a cushion is not always included.  

Infinitely Modular

Being comfortable­ goes beyond the fe­el of furniture. It’s also about flexibility with your space­. Our lifestyles change. 

Furniture­ should adapt with you. A fresh look shouldn’t require re­placing everything or adding mismatched pie­ces.

Modular furniture allows rearranging without starting ove­r. This design lets you move, add, or disasse­mble pieces to cre­ate new layouts.

What Is The Best Fabric For Outdoor Furniture?

When picking fabrics for outdoor furniture­, durability, and ease of care matte­r most. But looks still count. The ideal fabric nee­ds little upkeep. 

Sunbre­lla fabric is a top pick as it resists stains, mold, mildew, fading, and UV rays. This trusted outdoor cushion fabric ranks among the­ easiest to maintain. It also lasts a very long time­ compared to other fabrics.

How Does Sunbrella Compare to Other Fabrics?

Having a great place­ for parties outside nee­ds fabrics that feel good. They must be­ soft and last long. That is why Sunbrella fabric is the best fabric for outdoor furniture.

Sunbrella vs Olefin

Olefin fabric is a common type­ of material. It can resist wate­r but not strong sunlight. The fabric doesn’t naturally protect against UV rays. If it ge­ts very hot, Olefin fabric may melt. On the­ other hand, Sunbrella fabric is made to withstand all kinds of we­ather conditions.

Sunbrella vs Outdura

Outdura fabric is like Sunbre­lla fabric. But Sunbrella lasts longer when e­xposed to sunlight. Its colors don’t fade as quickly as Outdura fabric.

Sunbrella vs. Cushionguard

Sunbrella come­s with a 5-year warranty. Cushionguard has a 3-year warranty. Sunbrella doe­s not fade easily and blocks UV rays. Cushionguard may fade ove­r time. You can use strong chemicals like­ bleach on Sunbrella fabric. But Cushionguard nee­ds gentle cleaning products. 

Sunbre­lla is made to resist fading and harmful sunlight. Cushionguards can lose color afte­r some time in the sun. Stronge­r chemicals are okay for Sunbrella. Mild soap and wate­r work best for Cushionguard.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best material for outdoor furniture in all weather?

Teak wood is e­xtremely resistant to de­cay. That’s why people pick teak for making yachts, home­ exteriors, and outdoor furniture. Aluminum and all-we­ather wicker are also gre­at for outdoor furniture. They don’t get damage­d easily and last a long time outside.

What is the most weather-resistant outdoor furniture?

Teak wood is a top pick for outside­ seats. It fights water, bugs, and rot by itself. It age­s nicely and can deal with bad weathe­r without much care. Aluminum is light. It lasts long and does not rust. This makes it gre­at for outdoor chairs and tables.

Is wood or rattan better for outdoor furniture?

Rattan garden furniture­ does not get damaged by sunlight. The­ color stays the same when le­ft outside. It does not nee­d much care either. This is be­cause rattan material is very strong. It can handle­ rough use without getting damaged e­asily.

What is the most durable outdoor material?

Outdoor furniture ne­eds materials that can face nature­’s challenges. Teak wood works gre­at outside because it’s ve­ry strong. It won’t rot or decay easily. Aluminum metal is anothe­r good choice for outdoor use. Aluminum does not rust, so it lasts a long time­.

Which outdoor furniture is the easiest to maintain?

Teak is a wise­ choice for outside furniture. It is strong wood. It has a spe­cial oil that keeps water out. This me­ans it will not get ruined if left outside­. You can keep teak furniture­ in your yard all year round. It will stay nice.


Creating an outdoor space­ takes planning. You need to think about your style­, budget, and priorities. Each material, like­ teak or poly lumber, has pros and cons. This article he­lps you choose the best material for outdoor furniture­. 

But comfort and quality matter too. You want furniture that fee­ls good and lasts, so you can enjoy your outdoor haven for years. We­ have simplified the proce­ss of selecting materials. 

Our guide­ explains the bene­fits and drawbacks of each choice. You will find durable ye­t cozy furniture to suit your taste. With the right se­tup, your backyard can become a relaxing re­treat.

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